
NGRM: ClimateTM

Next generation ground risk assessment.

Ground risk projections from geologists, scientists and engineers

NGRM: ClimateTM enables financial institutions to understand how ground instability hazards such as soil subsidence and coastal erosion are projected to impact property due to climate change.

Ground risk profiles for 29 million residential properties, 30 million commercial buildings and 50 million structures also include information on present day ground instability hazards such as historic mining, landslides and dissolution, providing an easy way for any business to understand their exposure to ground hazards.

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Flexible delivery

Supplied and integrated to meet bespoke business needs.

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Fully supported

Guidance from the leading UK ground risk modellers.

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Ongoing R&D

Focused on advancing scalable ground risk assessment.

Present day risk modelled against latest climate projections

Soil & geological subsidence

Developed by Dr Tim Farewell, one of the UK’s leading soil scientists.

Terrafirma’s bespoke Ground Dryness Index (GDI) models the impact of spatio temporal patterns of dry ground to calculate where and when subsidence is likely to be an issue.

Coastal erosion & collapse

Inspired by Terrafirma’s award winning Coastal Hazards Module in the Ground Report.

Enhanced mapping of coastal erosion rates, susceptibility, prevalence and severity of coastal collapse events and impact from rising sea levels.

A changing climate will increase risk to property

Weather, climate and the ground are inextricably linked. As climate change brings a greater frequency and intensity of weather extremes, ground instability hazards like subsidence, coastal erosion and landslides will increase.

Today, these hazards cause billions of pounds of damage to property and land in Great Britain and are projected to intensify, negatively impacting the value, saleability and insurability of these assets.

Without expert-led climate-related ground risk information, organisations are making financial decisions today that could prove costly in the future due to an under-informed view of ground risk.

Made possible by the development of Terrafirma’s National Ground Risk ModelTM

The National Ground Risk Model enables scalable, cost-effective and instant analysis of ground risk on all 29 million GB properties, 50 million structures and 30 million land parcels.

A simple risk scoring system across subsidence, mining, coastal erosion and landslides ensures ease of use by professionals across multiple sectors, including banking, insurance, planning, property and the public sector.

For the first time, organisations are able to obtain rapid assessment of all ground risks in their planning, operations and decision making, and minimise potential costly consequences.

National Ground Risk ModelTM

Enables scalable, cost-effective and instant analysis of ground risk on all property, land and infrastructure in the UK.

Take the next step

Arrange a demo

See how the NGRM: ClimateTM can improve decisions about your property, land and infrastructure.

Speak to our specialists

Speak to our ground risk specialists to understand how we can help you understand and minimise your exposure to ground risks.

Across the UK, homes, infrastructure and land are at risk from complex ground hazards that can remain hidden for years. Every day, decisions worth millions of pounds are being made without considering the consequences of these hazards, putting the investments of individuals, families and businesses at risk.

At Terrafirma, we are passionate about improving the understanding of the ground, and the complex ways it interacts with the built environment. Our geologists, soil scientists and mining engineers clearly communicate ground risks through our pioneering reports, expert advice and innovative ground risk models.

Terrafirma exist to ensure people and organisations have access to accurate and understandable information on ground hazards, so they can make informed decisions without needing to be ground risk specialists themselves.